
Born in 1968 in Belgium, I was first bitten by the photography bug at the age of 16, using a simple Canon camera with only one but magnificent 50mm lens. So many years later the bug is still there, however the equipment is not fitting anymore in 1 bag: using digital cameras (Canon EOS 5D) as well as traditional film cameras (large format / panoramic / polaroid) I am now primarily focusing on artistic nudes.

Please feel free to contact me:

Mobile: +32 497 233450
Email: frankdeluyck@hotmail.com

You can follow me on:

Instagram: www.instagram.com/frankdeluyck

Tumblr: http://frankdeluyck.tumblr.com

Twitter: www.twitter.com/FrankDeLuyck

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FrankDeLuyckPhotography

as well as on my Youtube and Vimeo channels.